Quickread event on 1 March

I’m delighted to take part in an online Quickread event on Friday 1 March. The event is organised by Strong Women-Strange Worlds, and promotes up-and-coming SFF and horror authors.

I’ll be reading from my short story “The Lamplighter’s Daughter”. The event is free on Zoom at 12 noon EST (7 pm Finnish time). You can find more info and register for the event here.

Osallistun Strong Women-Strange Worlds -lukutapahtumaan 1.3. novellillani “The Lamplighter’s Daughter”. Tapahtuma on ilmainen, ja siihen voi ilmoittautua tämän linkin kautta. Tapahtuma alkaa klo 19.00 Suomen aikaa, ja kestää noin tunnin.


Tulkua terveh rimmillä 10.8.


The singing dogs of lord stainerau